| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Scope of Tests - Preproduction tests shall consist of at least the
following series of accelerated tests to determine reliability and performance under the various
conditions which may be encountered in service usage. The preproduction tests may be allocated
among the three test systems or components. A suggested order of tests is as follows:
Breakdown of tests where additional or a different quantity of systems or components is allocated
for preproduction test shall be as specified in the contract or detailed specification.
Contractor Testing - With the consent or request of the contractor and at the
discretion of the procuring activity, any service condition tests conducted by the contractor and
witnessed by an authorized procurement activity representative prior to submission for preproduc-
tion approval maybe acceptable as preproduction tests.
Test Tolerances - In conducting service condition tests, performance tolerances
shall be as specified in the system or component specification.
Test Procedures - Appropriate environmental tests shall be conducted on all
components which are subject to deterioration or malfunction due to any environmental condition.
Environmental testing shall be conducted on system components in accordance with Specification
MIL-T-5422 or Specification MIL-E-5272 as required by the equipment detail specification, Modifi-
cation of test procedures shall be submitted for review and approval by the procuring activity prior
to actual usage.
Power Supply Variation - Each component shall be tested individually or
assembled, or both, into a system in a manner as specified in the component or system specification.
Rated electrical, hydraulic and other required power sources, shall be applied and all calibration
setting placed at maximum rated positions. After completion of the warm-up period, the power
sources shall be varied and modulated, throughout their specified limits. The performance of the
components shall be observed in the reamer defined in the component or system specification. No
steady state nor transient modulation changes in the power source, within permissable limits, shall
cause a variation or modulation in the systems performance which may result in undesirable or
unsatisfactory operation. With rated power applied, the systems switches, controls and components
shall be operated as in actual service. Observation of the rated power source shall note no variation
nor modulation of the power source beyond permissible operational limits when the system is operated
against load conditions varying from no load to full load conditions.
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