| MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Reliability Assurance - Equipment reliability shall be assured by testing produc-
tion sample lots to specific test requirements. These tests do not replace preproduction tests, pro-
duction sample tests, individual or special acceptance tests or life tests specified. Specification
MIL-R-23094 shall be used as a guide in establishing requirements and procedures to assure com-
pliance with mean-time-between-failures (MTBF) requirements for production avionics equipment.
The test level, the duty cycle, the parameters to be measured, the MTBF, and the accept-reject
criteria will be specified by the detail equipment specification.
Life Tests -
Component Life Testing - Components which are subject to wear, fatigue, or
other deterioration due to wage, shall be life tested under realistic environmental conditions for a
number of cycles representative of the desired life expectancy of the component. In most cases, life
test requirements are defined in Government specifications.
A FCS Life Tests - One automatic flight control system or component shall nor-
mally be selected at random from those delivered on the purchase order or contract and subjected
to the life test. The system shall be assembled and operated for 1,000 hours in the manner described
in the system or component specification, provisions shall be made for cyclic loading of parts or
components subject to such operation and for intermittent operation of parts or components subject
to such operation. Provisions shall likewise be made to subject the system or component to vibration
as well as to elevate and reduce temperatures during the course of the test. At the completion of the
test no deterioration of performance or of the physical condition of the equipment shall be evident
beyond that permitted in the system or component specification, The following test condition
schedule shall be adhered to:
Time Period
First 400 hrs.
At room ambient conditions.
Next 200 hrs.
Subject system to vibration of 0.001-inch amplitude at
10 cps. Reduce ambient temperature to -29 degrees C
(20.2 degrees F).
Next 100 hrs.
Subject system to vibration of & 005-inch amplitude at
10 cps, Increase ambient temperature to +60 degrees C
(140 degrees F).
Next 206 hrs.
Subject system to vibration of 0.005-inch amplitude at
20 cps. Reduce ambient temperature to -40 degrees C
(-40 degrees F). Increase altitude to 30,000 feet.
Next 100 hrs.
Subject system to vibration of 0.005-inch amplitude at
20 cps. Increase ambient temperature to +71 degrees C
(159.8 degrees F).
Flight Tests - The AFCS shall be flight tested in the aircraft for which it was
designed, the aircraft shall be suitably instrumented so that time histories of each flight can be
recorded The following records are considered essential:
(a) Roll, pitch and yaw attitudes
(b) Roll, pitch and yaw rates
(c) Control surface position
(d) Altitude
(e) Airspeed and/or Mach number
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