| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
Table I - Compressor materials (cont'd)
"ASTM" indicates standard specifications of the American Society for Test ing anti Mater ials (Application
for copies should, be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race Street,
Philadelphia 3, Pa.
Materials used may be in accordance with either Government specifications or AS TM specifications, or
equivalent material to any other recognized industry standard specification, such as Society of Automo -
tive Engineers (SAE) and American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), at the manufacturer's option
Detail drawings and lists of material shall reference the specifications actually followed in each case,
and shall include the class, type or grade of material used in each case, as applicable (see 3 4. 1 and
Notice. - When Government drawings, specifi -
any way supplied the said drawings, specifications,
cations, or other data are used for any purpose
or other data is not to be regarded by implication
other than in connection with a definitely related
or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder
Government procurement operation, the United
or any other person or corporation, or con~'eying
States Government thereby incurs no responsibility
any' rights or permission to manufacture, use, 01'
nor any obligation whatsoever, and the fact that the
s e l l a n y p a t e n t e d invention that may in any way
be related thereto.
Government may have formulated, furnished, or in
Preparing activity:
Navy - Ships
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