| ![]() MIL-C-21067C (MI) Initial adhesion. Initial adhesion tests shall be conducted on three of
the specimens prepared as specified in Just prior to testing, the specimens
shall be cut through to the metal along 2 parallel lines, leaving a strip 1.00 0.01 inch
in width running lengthwise through the center of the specimen. The portion outside
of the one-inch strip shall be removed before testing. One end of the canvas shall be
separated from the metal to permit the attachment of the weight specified in 3.3.5. The
steel panel shall be supported at the ends in a horizontal position. The weight shall be
attached to the free end of the canvas. Amount of stripping in inches in three minutes
shall be noted and the results averaged. Adhesion after oven aging. Adhesion of three of the specimens shall be
determined as specified in, after oven aging for 46 + 0.25 hours at 90 + 1.1C.
Allow specimens to cool to room temperature before testing adhesion (see 3.3.6). Adhesion after immersion. Three specimens shall be immersed in
distilled water at 27 + 1.1C for 46 + 0.25 hours, removed, surface dried with paper
towels, and then tested as specified in (see 3.3.7). Color. The color shall be in accordance with examinations and tests in
DOD-E-699D (see 3.3.8).
4.7 Workmanship. The coating covered by this specification shall be
homogeneous and free of foreign materials. Containers shall be clean, uniformly
filled, well-sealed and legibly marked (see 3.4).
4.8 Inspection of packaging. Except when commercial packaging is specified,
the sampling and inspection of the preservation and interior package marking shall be
in accordance with groups A and B quality conformance inspection requirements of
MIL-P-116. The sampling and inspection of the packing for shipment and storage
shall be in accordance with the quality assurance provisions of the applicable container
specification shown in section 5. The inspection of marking for shipment and storage
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129. The inspection of commercial packaging
shall be as specified in the contract (see 6.2).
5.1 Preservation, packaging and packing. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or order (see 6.2), the compound or primer may be furnished in 1 quart, 1
gallon, or 5 gallon containers. The 1 quart containers shall conform to type V, class 2
of PPP-C-96. The 1 and 5 gallon pails shall conform to type II, class 1 of PPP-P-704.
If gallon cans are specified, a wire
handle on a formed bridge type handle shall be affixed to the top of the containers.
The size of the container shall be as specified in the contract or order (see 6.2). The
compound or primer shall be prepared for shipment in a manner that will prevent
damage during shipment and storage.
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