| ![]() 3.1.2 The requirements and procedures established in
CP 400 shall be complied with as applicable.
3.1.3 Preproduction sample. - Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or order a preproduction sample shall be
manufactured by the same procedures and processes and at the
same location as proposed for full production. This sample
will be tested for the purpose of determining compliance with
the requirements of this specification, the drawings, and the
contract. See 4.1.2.
3.1.4 Interchangeablity - Component parts of assembled
units (unless otherwise specified on the applicable drawings)
fabricated in strict agreement with their applicable draw-
ings shall be interchangeable and shall assemble with mating
components of the unit without selection or fitting. If,
during assembly of the.fabricated parts of a unit, selection
or fitting is required and changes in dimensions are necessary,
no changes in the parts as delineated on applicable drawings
shall be made without prior approval of the Bureau of Ordnance.
3.2 Requests for deviation. - Requests for deviation
from this specification, applicable drawings, specifications,
publications, materials and processes specified herein, shall
be as set forth in OP 400.
3.3 Conflicting requirements. - Conflicting requirements
arising between this specification or any specifications,
publications, or drawings listed herein shall be referred in
Writing to the procuring agency or appointed agent for inter-
pretation and clarification.
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