| ![]() MIL-C-21583 (NOrd )
contractor prior to approval of the contracting activity or
the completion of the tests on preproduction samples shall be
at the contractor's risk. Preproduction samples accepted
will be applied as part of the quantity specified by the con-
tract or order Preproduction samp le for a subsequent contract. -
The necessity for a preproduction sample will be determined by
the procuring agency when production under a new contract by
the same contractor at the same location follows the manufacture
of satisfactory material as covered by this document.
4.1.3 Lot. - As applied to the Government inspection of
units of product, the term "lot" shall mean "inspection lot"
i.e. a collection of units of the product used as a basis for
Government inspection. Unless otherwise specified, the
number of units of product In "inspection lots shall be as
determined by the Government inspector, and may differ from
the quantity designated in the contract or order as a lot for
production, shipment, or other purpose.
4.2 Contractor's inspection. - Contractort's inspection
shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of "Inspection
by Contractor" as contained in OP 400.
4.3 Class ification. of tests. - The inspection and testing
of mechanisms covered by this document shall be classified
as follows:
(a) acceptance tests
(b) preproduction tests
4.3.l Acceptance tests. - Acceptance tests for acceptance
of the mechanism covered by this specification shall consist
of tests to determine compliance with all requirements speci-
fied in this document.
4.3.2 Peproduction tests. - Peproduction tests are
those performed on samples submitted in accordance with 4.1.2
to determine that the lot and production meet all the require-
ments of this specification. Acceptance shall be based on no
defects in a sample. Acceptable preproduction sample units
shall not be released for service use and shall be stamped or
marked as follows: "Sample - Not for Service Use".
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