| ![]() 4.5.4 Assembly. - The assembly procedure shall be checked
to determine compliance with 3.5.2.
4.5.5 Hand operation. - The mechanism shall be tested to
determine compliance with 3.5.3. If any binding occurs
during this test the mechanism shall be rejected.
4.5.6 Leakage test. - To determine compliance with 3.5.4
the leakage test shall be conducted with the Test Pot Mark 3
Mod 1, (test item (a)) following the test procedure
shown on Bureau of Ordnance Drawing No. 1362576.
4.5.7 Operating pressure test. - After the leakage test,
the leakage test fixture on the Test Pot (test item (a))
shall be replaced by the actuation test fixture and the
following tests shall be made:
The pressure shall be increased slowly to some
pressure within the range of operating pressures
required by 3.5.5 If the piston does not move
to its fully extended position within the
pressure limits required by 3.5.5, the mechanism
shall be rejected.
The pressure shall then be decreased slowly If
does not move to its fully retracted
the piston
position when the pressure has been removed, the
mechanism shall be rejected.
Each mechanism being tested, shall be operated as described
above at least 3 times before acceptance and a record shall
be kept of the average operating pressure of each mechanism.
4.5.8 Acceptance criteria.- Failure of any mechanism to
meet any of the requirements and tests of this specification
shall result in rejection of the mechanism. If the number
of failing mechanisms exceeds the number permitted by the
associated criteria, the lot represented will be rejected.
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