| ![]() MILFC-40153L
3.4.2 Fabrication general
The cabinet frame and racks are welded con-
structicn. The sheathing, towing skids, hardware, and lifting eye assemblies
are noted on the outermost ections only. The outermost pieces may be set in
place and used as templates to locate the underlying holes. contractors who
prelocate all holes are responsible far their correct alignment
3-4.3 Sewing machine assemblies The sewing machine assemblies shall
conform to 00-S-256 and the applicable slash sheets, and the requirements of
detailed paragraphs 3.4.3 .1 through of this specification. When in
conflict with 00-S-256, this specification shall take precedence. The
requirements for the stands and table tops shall be noted in paragraphs and and as specified on the drawings. The overall dimensions
of the sewing machines nad related components shall be such as to fit within
the spaces provided in the cabinet as shown on the drwings. In addition to
the supplies called for in the detailed paragraphs, each sewing machine shall
be supplied with one each of the following conforming 00-S-256:
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