| ![]() MIL-C-45300B
TABLE II. Applicability of cap types to tests.
Deficiencies found during, or
4.4.1 First article inspection failure.
as a result of, first article inspection shall be cause for rejection of the
first article samples until evidence has been provided by the contractor that
corrective action has been taken to eliminate the deficiency. Any deficiency
found during, or as a result of, first article inspection, shall be evidence
that all items already produced prior to completion of first article
inspection are similarly deficient unless contrary evidence satisfactory to
the contracting officer is furnished by the contractor. Such deficiencies on
all items shall be corrected by the contractor. The Government shall not
accept products until first article inspection is completed to the
satisfaction of the Government.
Quality conformance inspection
4.5.1 Sampling. Lot formation. An inspection lot shall consist of all the caps
of one type and part number, from an identifiable production periods from one
manufacturer, submitted at one time for acceptance. Sampling for examination. Samples for quality conformance
examination shall be selected in accordance with general inspection level II
of MIL-STD-105. Sampling for tests. Samples for quality conformance tests shall
be selected in accordance with level S-3 of MIL-STD-105.
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