| ![]() MIL-C-45574B(AR)
4.2 Classification of inspections.
The inspection requirements specified
herein are classified as follows:
a. First article inspection (see 4.4).
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5).
4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all inspections shall
be performed in accordance with the test conditions specified on the drawings
or applicable paragraphs in the specification.
4.4 First article inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
(see6 2), first article cannon assemblies, breech mechanism assemblies, and
components thereof shall be submitted for inspection in accordance with the
contract and applicable Quality Assurance Provisions (QAPs). The first
article assemblies and components thereof shall be representative of the
production processes to be used during quantity production. QAPs are listed
in Master LQAP 11578068 and Master LQAP 11578233.
4.4.1 First article sample. Sam le size. The sample size shall be as specified in the contract
( see 6.2) and each assembly and component in the sample shall be randomly 6.2)
selected from the first month's production.
4.4.2 First article inspection. The first article sample shall be subjected
to all quality conformance inspections and all examinations and tests
described in this specification to assure conformance with the requirements of
this specification. Any required additional inspections, ncluding First
Article - Initial Production Testing, shall be specified in the contract (see
a. Failure of the first article sample to meet the requirements as
evidenced by the results of the examinations and tests shall be cause for
rejection (see 6.2). The contractor shall determine the cause of failure and
shall take corrective action in current and subsequent production.
Resubmission and retest shall be at the option of the Government (see 6.2).
b. Disposition of an acceptable first article sample shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the contract (see 6.2)-
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Inspection conformance. Gun-launchers shall be inspected for
conformance to this specification, to MIL-C-13931, and to QAPs listed in
Master LQAP 11578068 (M81E1) or Master LQAP 11578233 (M162). In addition,
breech mechanism assemblies shall be inspected in accordance with the
requirements for the applicable breech mechanism assembly drawing. Quality
conformance inspections are tabulated in Table I.
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