| ![]() MIL-C-45975B(AR)
b. The peak pressure shall be recorded for each test and added to inspection
records identifiable with the specific breech mechanism undergoing test.
c. After the pressure test:
(1) The breech mechanism shall be examined for looseness or interference
of fit.
(2) The breech mechanism shall be disassembled and examined for
soundness of material. All components shall be visually examined to
assure freedom from cracks and fractures. The breech ring and
breechblock shall be magnetic particle inspected (see
(3) The breech mechanism shall be cleaned and reassembled.
(4) The breech mechanism and firing mechanism shall be functioned (see In addition, two dummy promers (max and Min metal) shall
be used to check headspace, firing pin protrusion and retraction,
and ejection. Cannon and spare tubes. Cannon and spare tubes shall be proof fired at
a Government specified proving ground in accordance with the following procedure:
a. Cannon and spare tubes shall be proof fired once at 59,000 2,300 Psi.
b. A facility mount may be used if necessary.
c. Chamber pressure shall be measured and recorded.
d. After proof firing:
(1) The bore of each tube shall remeasured for bore enlargement using an
air gage, an electronic gage, or other approved gage. The
measurements shall be recorded. Bore enlargement shall meet the
requirements of 3.5.3 and Table I.
(2) The tube shall be magnetic particle inspected and borescoped (see
(3) The muzzle brake shall be magnetic particle inspected (see
(4) The breech mechanism shall be examined for looseness or interference
of fit.
(5) The breech mechanism shall be disassembled and examined for soundness
of material. All components shall be visually examined to assure
freedom from cracks and fractures. The breech ring and breechblock
shall be magnetic particle inspected (see
(6) The breech mechanism shall be cleaned and reassembled. It shall then
be functioned in accordance with
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