| ![]() MIL-C-45975B(AR)
30.5 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Durability (RAM-D). The
requirements for RAM-D are contained in Appendix B of MIL-C-45975. When specified
in the contract (see 6.2.1), RAM-D tests shall be conducted after successful
completion of FA-IPT (Appendix A of MIL-C-45975).
40.1 First Article - Initial Production Testing (FA-IPT). When specified in the
contract (see 6.2.1), first article cannon shall be subjected to FA-IPT by a
Government activity to assure compliance with the requirements of this
specification and the contract.
40.1.1 Sample. Four first article cannon shall be randomly selected from the
first month's production. First article cannon and parts thereof shall be
representative of the production processes used during quantity production.
When specified, these cannon shall be used for RAM-D testing.
40.1.2 Inspection provisions. First article cannon shall be subjected to
normal inspection per applicable item QAP's, quality conformance inspection (see
4.7); including proof acceptance (see and, through proof firing
and simulation testing. Physical configuration audit. One cannon selected from the first
article sample shall undergo 100 percent inspection (no sampling) of all
characteristics in addition to the normal inspection cited in 40.1.2. Proof acceptance. First article cannon shall have succesfully passed
proof acceptance (see and, through proof firing and simulation
testing, prior to commencement of FA-IPT.
40.1.3 Tests. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the contract, first
article cannon tests listed in this specification shall be performed in a fully
operational Howitzer 155MM: M198, and shall not normally be integrated with
other tests. Intergration with Operational Testing by the user is allowable
provided all components of the system conform to technical requirements. All
tests shall be conducted by the Government or any agency specified by the
40.2 TESTS
40.2.1 Climatic test. A climatic test shall be conducted on four cannon using
the test method of 40.3.1. If the requirements of 30.0 are not complied with,
acceptance shall be deferred and 40.4 shall apply.
40.2.2 Thermal warning device test. A thermal warning device test shall be
conducted on four cannon using the test method of 40.3.2. If the requirements
of 30.4 are not complied with, acceptance shall be deferred and 40.4 shall
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