| ![]() MIL-C-45975B(AR)
Step 4. Is this malfunction, resulting from test item abuse, unrealistic
operating conditions or accident? If yes, do not charge a failure: if no,
proceed to Step 5.
Step 5. Is this an actual or incipient malfunction detected or corrrected
during initial technical inspection or an incipient malfunction detected during
final technical inspection? If yes, do not charge a failure; if no, proceed to
Step 6.
Step 6. Is this an incipient malfunction corrected during scheduled
preventive maintenance on the part in question, provided a higher level of
maintenance is not necessary? If yes, do not charge a failure; if no, proceed to
Step 7.
Step 7. Is this incident related to or caused by another reliability failure?
If yes, do not charge a failure; if no, proceed to Step 8.
Step 8. The following statements are addressed collectively, (A) The
malfunction did not and would not cause a critical or catastrophic hazard to
personnel or equipment as defined by MIL-STD-882. (B) The system performance is
above acceptable levels (see 40.6.3). (C) The malfunction did not and would not
preclude the ability to commence or cease any mode of operation (e.g., load and
fire at any range, charge, elevation, or direction, (see 40.6.2). If all three all three of
the above statements are true, do not charge a reliability failure; if any are not
true, proceed to Step 9.
Step 9.
Is the operator/crew authorized and able to rememdy the malfunction by
repair, or replacement action within five minutes. using the controls.
Basic Issue
Items (611), Items Troop Installed or Authorized (ITIA) and parts
to the crew? If the answer is yes, do not charge a reliability
failure; if
no, proceed to Step 10.
Step 10. If the previous 9 steps provide inconclusive evidence as to the
chargeability or non-chargeability of a reliability failure, the incident should
be checked against the criteria of 40.6.1 - 40.6.4. If categorization of the
incident remains in doubt, defer classification to a user/developer/tester Scoring
50. Definitions.
50.1 RAM-D terms and definitions. Reliability, availability, maintaninability and
durability terms and definitionsused in this specification are in accordance with
MIL-STD-721. Durability is further defined in 50.2
50.2 Durability. Durability is the probility that an item will successfully
survive Its projected life, overhaul point, or rebuild point (whichever is the
more appropriate durability measure for the item) without a durability failure. A
durability failure is considered tO be a malfunction that precludes further
operation of the item and is great enough in cost, safety, or time to restore,
that the item must be replaced or rebuilt.
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