| ![]() MIL-C-46409D (AR)
4 . 4 . 2 . 5 Packaging, packing and marking inspection. During or immediately prior to the
packaging operation, 100% examination of the cartridges shall be performed to ascertain that the
cartridge type conforms to the drawing. Occurrence of a high pressure test, dummy or blank
cartridge shall be classed as a critical defect. Occurrence of any type other than those listed shall
be classed as a major defect. All nonconforming cartridges shall be rejected. Inspection for
packaging, packing and marking shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-644 as applicable to the
4.4.3 Tests. The tests listed in Table I and the shall be conducted in accordance with
methods and procedures specified in 4.5. Primer sensitivity test. Prior to performance of the tests cited in a sample of
primed cases shall be tested for primer sensitivity. The sample shall be selected from the entire
lot or from individual sub-lots, at the option of the contractor, provided that the size of each sub-
let is not less than 200,000. The test sample shall be representative of the entire lot or sub-lot as
applicable, and shall consist of the quantity required for performance of a complete run-down test
wherein fifty primers are tested at each height. If the average critical height (H) plus five
standard deviations (5 sigma) exceeds 11 inches, or if the average critical height (H) minus two
standard deviations (2 sigma) is less than 1 inch, the lot or sub-lot shall be rejected subject to
performance of a second complete run-down test wherein one hundred primers are tested at each
height. Failure of the second sample to comply with the above criteria shall be cause for
rejection of the lot or sub-lot as applicable. Test samples. The quantities for the various tests shall be as specified in Table I and Only cartridges having met the visual and dimensional requirements shall be used in the
ballistic tests and shall have been selected in such a manner that the sample is representative of
the entire lot. The cartridges selected shall be thoroughly mixed before being divided into
samples for the various tests.
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