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MIL-C-46409D (AR)
Empty primed cartridge cases (no propellant or projectile).
Failure of two or more cartridges to comply with the applicable requirement shall be cause for
rejection of the lot. If one cartridge fails in the first test, a second sample consisting of double
the number of cartridges in the first sample may be tested. If any failing cartridges are found in
the second sample, the lot shall be rejected.
Failure of nine or more cartridges to comply with the applicable requirement shall be cause
fur rejection of the lot. If more than four, but less than nine cartridges fail in the first test, a
second sample consisting of double the number of cartridges in the first sample may be tested.
The lot shall be rejected if, in the combined first and second sample, nine or more cartridges fail
to comply with the applicable requirement.
If one or more cartridges contain less than the minimum required propellant weight, the lot
shall be rejected.
Failure of the cartridges to comply with the applicable requirement shall be cause for rejection
of the lot subject to testing of a second sample consisting of double the quantity of cartridges in
the first sample. Failure of the cartridges in the second sample to comply with the applicable
requirement shall be cause for rejection of the lot.
The lot shall b rejected when function and casualty defects, plus firing defects exceed the
acceptance number for the cumulative sample in Table II. If the number of defects found in the
first test exceeds the acceptance number for the first sample, but is equal to or less than the
acceptance number for the cumulative sample, a second sample, consisting of double the
quantities specified under function and casualty test, shall be fired in all the service weapons
specified therefor. This procedure shall apply regardless of the weapon or weapons in which the
firing defects occurred in the first test. If the total number of defects in the combined first and
second sample exceeds the acceptance number for the cumulative sample, the lot shall be
rejected. If, in testing a second sample, defects other than those for which the second sample is
being tested should occur to the extent that they exceed the acceptance number for the
cumulative sample, the lot shall be rejected.
Test will be conducted simultaneously with ambient chamber pressure test.

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