| ![]() MIL-C-46409D (AR)
Each cartridge that misfires shall be disassembled and examined for presence a vent hole in
the primer pocket, or any obstruction in the vent hole are of the primer pocket that can be
assignable as the cause for misfire. If the vent hole is missing or obstructed, the lot shall be
rejected with no second sample permitted
Weapon stoppage, with the exception of misfire, observed in all test shall be included.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The examination and tests shall be made using equipment
listed in LI-7553580. Unless otherwise specified, acquisition, maintenance and disposition of
inspection equipment shall be in accordance with MIL-I-45607.
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Bullet extraction. The test shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix A". the
rate of travel of the test head, in the bullet extractor machine, shall be not less that three (3)
inches nor more than six (6) inches per minute.
4.5.2 Residual stress (mercurous nitrate). The test shall be conducted in accordance with
Appendix "B".
4.5.3 Velocity. The test shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix "C".
4.5.4 Chamber pressure. the tests shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix "D" or
Government approved equivalent. The test shall be conducted at -40 to -45F ambient and 125 to
130F. An equal number of cartridges shall be tested at each of the three temperatures. The
obturator shall be of the wax-filled type (see 6.6).
4.5.5 Accuracy. The test shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix "E".
4.5.6 Function and casualty. the test shall be conducted in accordance with Appendix "F".
The cartridges shall be fired single action and double action at the temperatures indicated below:
Temperature (F)
-40 to -45
125 to 130
Single Action
Double Action
The test quantities shall be distributed equally in so far as possible among the prescribed test
weapons. The Government Contracting Officer shall designate the weapons in which the
Function and Casualty test shall be performed depended upon New Weapon Availability and
Weapon Inventory Supplies. The weapons shall be selected from the following:
a. Colt, Revolver, Caliber .38 Special, 4 Inch Barrel
b. Smith& Weston, Revolver, Caliber .38 Special 4 Inch Barrel
c. Ruger, Revolver, Caliber .38 Special, Security Six, 4 Inch Barrel
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