| ![]() MIL-C-46409D (AR)
6.6.2 Preparation. The ingredients are weighed out in a casserole and heated on a steam
bath until the waxes are melted. The mixture is then removed and stirred vigorously until
slightly warm. The Wax is then rolled out on a flat surface into sticks.
6.7 Process deviation. A process deviation is defied as a change in the initial approved
basic method of manufacture, This also includes any operational changes i.e., change in sub-
contractor (s), changes which may alter the metallurgical or physical properties of the item which
were approved initially in the basic method of manufacture. any manufacturing deviation, after
the "First Article sample" has been approved should be submitted to the technical agency for
6 . 8 Submission of test data. Submit test data in accordance with the contract.
6 . 9 Submission of detailed inspection plan for review. The detailed inspection plan, and
any changes thereto, for the cartridge shall be submitted to the Government as required by the
6.10 Subject term (key word) listing.
Cartridge, Caliber .38, Special, Ball
Military Specification
6.11 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to
identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes.
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