| ![]() MIL-C-46409D (AR)
To determine if the ammunition can be expected to perform satisfactorily in the service
weapons for which it has been designed under conditions of field usage. Ammunition may be
ballistically satisfactory, i.e., it may comply with individual performance specifications such as
velocity, pressure, etc., yet be unfit for use in the field because of undesirable characteristics
which jeopardize the safety of personnel.
Casualties and malfunctions can be caused wither by the ammunition or by the weapon in
which it is fired,so, that to a certain extent, these two factors are interdependent. A faculty
weapon or a poorly adjusted weapon can cause casualties in normal casualties are encountered,
the the fault lies with the ammunition.
Equipment listed in the Function and Casualty section of the appropriate inspection
Equipment List shall be used.
30.1 Pre-firing (Preparation for test)
30.1.1 Weapons shall be of the latest design or most recent issue. Weapons shall be
discarded when unusual behavior occurs which is proven attributable to the weapon.
30.1.2 Weapons employed in this test must have bards in serviceable condition. To assure
this, all barrels shall be inspected visually before use and the weapon rejected if any defect is
discovered. Unusual behavior, proven to be attributable to the barrel, may also be reason for
discarding the weapon.
30.1.3 The test cartridge shall be examined for obvious defects before the Function and
Casualty test. If visual defects are found, the defective cartridge (s) shall be replaced and the
defects shall be noted on the test sheet form.
30.1.4 The test weapon may be fired off-hand or in a fixed rest, as desired. Firing shall be
alternated, i.e., six (6) cartridges single action, six (6) cartridges double action, six (6) cartridges
single action, etc.
30.2 During firing.
30.2.1 The number of cartridges fired single and double action (6 each) shall be governed
by the capability of the cylinder of the revolvers. The weapon shall be at room temperature at the
beginning of the test, and shall be cooled after firing 48 cartridges.
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