| ![]() MIL-C-46552C
1/ The lot shall be rejected if in any firing test, one or more of the
following malfunctions or casualties of Table II occur:
a. Misfire associated with e or f of Table II, Note 2/.
b. Projectile remaining in bore.
c. Metal parts separation, except rotating band reparation (see Note 6/,
Table II),
Except as otherwise specified and in the function and casualty test where
the occurrence of a firing defect listed in Table II prevents the obtaining
of a reliable result for the characteristic being tested, an
shall be fired.
2/ Projectile extraction.
a. Failure of two or more sample cartridges to comply with the minimum
requirement shall cause rejection of the lot. If one cartridge of the
sample fails to comply with the minimum requirement, a second sample of 20
cartridges shall be tested. The lot shall be rejected if 2 or more car-
tridges of the combined sample fall to comply with the minimum requirement.
b. Failure of 4 or more cartridges to comply with the
shall cause rejection of the lot. If more than 1 but less than 4 cartridges
fail to comply with the maximum requirement, a second sample of 20 cartridge
ehall be tested. The lot
be rejected if 5 or more cartridges of the
combined sample fail to comply with the maximum requirement.
3/ Electrical resistance verification.-The lot shall be rejected if any
primer of the sample cartridges fails to comply with either of the primer
4/ Propellant contamination.-The presence of foreign matter in the pro-
pellant of any of the test cartridges shall cause rejection of the lot.
(see 3.13.2 and 6.8)
5/ Projectile torque.-Failure of 2 or more of the sample cartridges to
torque requirement shall cause rejection of the
comply with the
lot. If 1 cartridge of the sample fails to comply, a second sample of
20 cartridges shall be tested. The lot shall be rejected if 2 or more
cartridges of the combined sample fail to comply with the applicable
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