| ![]() MIL-C-46552C
4.4.5 Packaging, packing and marking inspection.-Inspection for packaging,
packing and marking shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-644, as applicable.
4.4.6 Inspection equipment. -Index of Inspection Equipment List (LI) 7259626
identifies the applicable Inspection Equipment Lists (IEL) required to per-
form examination and tests prescribed herein. Equipment design(s) shall be
in accordance with the applicable IEL code designations. The code designa-
tions are defined on Dwg. B11075228, a detail of LI 7259626. The provisions
of MIL-A-2550 shall apply.
4.5 Test methods and procedures.
4.5.1 Projectile
method of teat shall be as specified in
AMCR 715-505, Volume 8.
4.5.2 Electrical resistance. Primed cartridge cases.-The equipment and circuitry specified in
LI 7259626 shall be used to measure the resistance of the primer in each
primed cartridge case. Verification.-A Simpson Volt-Ohm-Ammeter, Model 260, or approved
equal, will be used to measure the resistance of the primer in each primed
cartridge case from the projectile extraction test sample. Only the
RX 100 and RX 10,000 scales of the meter will be used in order to limit
the applied voltage and current, respectively, to 7.5 volts and 1.4 milli-
amperes maximum.
4.5.3 Propellant contamina tion.-The propellant from each of the cartridge
tested for projectile extraction will be examined visually for contamination,
as specified in AMCR 715-505, Volume 8.
4.5.4 Projectile torque.-Each cartridge of the test sample shall be marked
with a light scratch
axially across the rotating band onto the
case neck. Torque as
in 3.6 shall be applied slowly to the pro-
jectile. Movement of the projectile with respect to the cartridge case,
mark, shall be recorded.
detectable by misalignment in the
4.5.5 Velocity, Pressure and Waterproo fness.-The methods of test shall
be as specified in AMCR 15-505, Volume 8. Statistics necessary for
testing of results against acceptance criteria shall be computed. (see 6.7)
4.5.6 Accuracy.-The method of test and measurment of targets shall be
as specified in AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The specified range may be
shortened in decrements of 100 yards, to a minimum range of 200 yards.
For ranges less than 600 yards the average mean radius shall be reduced
in direct proportion to the reduction In range.
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