| ![]() MIL-C-46552C
6.2 Ordering data. -Procurement documents should specify the following:
6.2.1 Title, number and date of this specification.
6.2.2 Place of inspection, if not at place of manufacture.
(see 3.3, 4.3 and 6.3)
6.2.3 First article sample requirements.
(see 5.1 and 5.2)
6.2.4 Detailed packing and marking instructions.
6.2.5 Provision for the supply, maintenance and disposition of Government
furnished test equipment for acceptance Inspection purposes.
6.2.6 Provision for submission and approval of the manufacturing process.
6.2.7 Instructions for the shipment of first article lot sample for firing
6.2.8 -Provisions for the inclusion of MIL-STD-1167, Ammunition Data Cards
on DD form 1423, Contract Data Requirements List.
6.3 First article samp le.-In order to minimize inspection costs, the firing
tests of 4.4.4 will be performed after the sample has been provisionally
accepted by the Government for all other requirements. Additional car-
tridges may be required by the test facility.
6.4 Process deviation.-A process deviation is defined as a change in the
approved basic method of manufacture, or an operational change which may
alter the metallurgical or physical properties of the item.
6.5 AQL's.-The optional use of AQL values for either individual defects
or classes of defects, with individual major defect limitation, is in-
tended to minimize inspection agency administrative burden which might
result from an exclusive assignment of individual defect AQL's. The
option also permits flexibility where sampling inspection for acceptance
is integrated into the manufacturing process.
6.6 Combining tests.-With approval of the procuring activity, tests may be
performed concurrently on the same sample cartridges provided that the test
results are not affectd by this procedure. The test facility should make
maximum use of this procedure to minimize testing costs.
6.7 Computations.
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