| ![]() MIL-C-46553B
4.5.7 Action Time. -The method of test shall be as specified in AMCR 715-505,
Volume 8.
4.5.8 Function and Casualty .-The method of test shall be as specified in
AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The test sample shall be fired in bursts of 50
The weapon barrel shall be at ambient temperature at beginning
of test and cooled to ambient after each 100 rounds. The cyclic rate of
each burst shall not be less than 750 shots per minute (SPM) in the M24
gun. The cyclic rate for each burst shall be recorded.
4.5.9 Misfires.-Misfiring cartridges shall be retested in the test equipment
specified by the IEL for the accuracy test. Results of examinations required
by Table II shall be recorded.
4.5.10 Defective Weapon. -If a test weapon fails to conform with the minimum
cyclic rate during a normal burst operation or is found to be defective
during or at the end of burst, the test shall be suspended. The weapon shall
be corrected or replaced and the test repeated in whole or in part, as in-
dicated. Any firing defect that occurred shall be valid for lot penalty
in accordance with Table II unless the defect is found to have been caused
by the defective weapon.
5.1 Packing, Level A.-The type of ammunition pack shall be in accordance
with instructions from the procuring activity. Linked ammunition shall be
packed in accordance with Dwg. F7258967, F7259188, F7259189, or F11075755.
Bulk ammunition shall be packed in accordance with Dwg. F7259108 or
5.2 Marking. -Marking on the shipping and storage container shall be in
accordance with Dwg. D7258928 or D7259237, as applicable.
6.1 Intended Use.-These cartridges are intended for use in various automatic
gun systems that have been designed for firing cartridges with the M21A1
type case configuration.
6.2 Ordering Data. -Invitation for bids and contracts or orders will
specify the following:
6.2.1 Title, number and date of this specification.
6.2.2 Place of inspection, if not at place of manufacture.
(see 3.2, 4.2, and 6.4)
6.2.3 First article sample requirements.
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