| MIL-C-46577D
4.5.5 Velocity. Pressure and Waterproofness. -The methods of test shall be
as prescribed by AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. Statistics necessary for testing
of results against acceptance criteria shall be computed. (see 6.7)
4.5.6 Accuracy. -The method of test and measurement of targets shall be
as prescribed by AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The specified range may be short-
ened in decrements of 100 yards, to a minimum range of 200 yards. For
ranges less than 600 yards the average mean radius shall be reduced in
direct proportion to the reduction in range.
4.5.7 Incendiary Performance. - The method of test and grading of incendiary
performance shall be as prescribed in AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The projectile
performance shall begin within one foot after impact against .040 inch
nominal thickness aluminum plate (2024T3, T4 or T361) normal to line of
fire located at 200 25 yards from muzzle of the gun.
4.5.8 Drop Sensitivity. -The method of test shall be as prescribed in
AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The nose of the projectile shall impact the steel
plate, normal to projectile axis, at a velocity of 52 5 fps.
4.5.9 Action Time.-The method of test shall be as prescribed by AMCR
715-505, Volume 8. Statistics necessary for testing of results against
the acceptance criterion shall be computed. (see 6.7.1)
4.5.10 Function and Casualty. -The method of test shall be as prescribed
by AMCR 715-505, Volume 8. The test sample shall be fired in bursts of
50 cartridges and shall be divided and fired in equal numbers in the M39
and M61 weapons. The weapon barrel(s) shall be at ambient temperature at
beginning of test and cooled to ambient after each 100 rounds.
rate of each burst shall not be less than 1400 shots per minute (SPM) in
burst shall be recorded.
4.5.11 Misfires.-Misfiring cartridges shall be retested in the test equip-
ment prescribed by the IEL for the accuracy test. Results of examinations
required by Table II shall be recorded.
4.5.12 Defective Weapon. -If any test weapon fails to comply with the minimum
cyclic rate established for the weapon, or any test cartridge firing defect
is found to have been caused by a defective test weapon, the test shall be
suspended.shall be corrected or replaced and the test repeated
in whole or in part as indicated. If the test cartridge defect is not
found to have been caused by the defective weapon, it shall be valid for
lot penalty in accordance with Table II.
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