| ![]() MIL-C-48490B(AR) Vibration. Vibration A. Subject the assembly to the vibration test
specified in MIL-STW-8103 method 514.2 procedure VIII$ except that the test
level shall be the vibration curve shown in figure 9 and duration of exposure
shall be not less than 80 minutes per axis. At the conclusion of this test,
subject the assembly to the performance tests of table VII. Vibration B. This test shall be conducted as in
except that the period of vibration shall be not less than 15 minutes in each
axis. High temperature. Subject the assembly to the high temperature
test specified in MIL-STD-810t method 501.1, procedure I. The highest
operating temperature shall be 140 F. The performance tests of table VII.
shall be applied. Low temperature. Subject the assembly to the low temperature
test specified in MIL-STD-810$ method 502.1, procedure I. The storage
temperature shall be -65F. The lowest operating temperature shall be
-25 F. The performance tests of table VII shall be applied. Temperature cycling. With power and loads of table I applied,
subject the assembly to the temperature profile specified in figure 10. At
the conclusion of this test$ subject the assembly to the performance tests of
table VII. Humidity. place the assembly in a humidity chamber and subject
it to the humidity test specified in MIL-STD-810, method 507.1, procedure IV.
During steps 4$ 6 and 8 of procedure IV, subject the assembly to the
performance tests of 4.6.2. After exposure, subject the assembly to the
performance tests of table VII. Altitude. Place the assembly in an altitude chamber and subject
it to the altitude test specified in MIL-STD-810. method 500.1$ procedure I,
except that:
a. First, the assembly in a non-operating condition, shall be
exposed to an atmospheric pressure equivalent to 40000 feet above
sea level for a period of not less than 1 hour.
Second, with the chamber pressure increased to an atmospheric
equivalent to 10000 feet above sea level, subject the assembly to
the performance tests of table VII.
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