| ![]() MIL-C-484550(AR) Storage temperature. - The test equipment utilized in this
test shall be in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements
of MIL-F-13926 and the conditions in The collimator shall
be placed in the test chamber and the temperature of the chamber
reduced gradually (see "NOTE" Below) to -80 F. The collimator shall
remain at this temperature for a minimum of five hours. At the
completion of this five hour period, the temperature of the test
chamber shall be gradually raised (see NOTE below) at +160 F. The
collimator shall remain at this temperature for a minimum of five
hours. At the completion of this five hour period, the temperature
of the test chamber shall be gradually reduced to room ambient
temperature (+60 to +90 F). and the collimator removed from the
test chamber. The collimator shall then be subjected to a visual,
tactile, and audible examination. The collimator shall conform to
the requirements of
The rate of temperature change in the test chamber
shall not exceed 20 degrees per hour throughout the
temperature cycling tests of and Operating temperature. - This test shall be performed in
the same manner as the test of, except that the chamber
shall be held at the temperatures specified in While at
these temperature extras the collimator shall be sujected to the
tests of to inclusive to determine compliance with Vibration. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with subsequent to vibration the collimator assembly shall be
subjected to a visual and tactile examination and shall show no
evidence of damage. The collimator assembly shall then be subjected
to the remaining tests In this specification and shall meet the
specified requirements. Rain. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with
Procedure I of the rain test in Specification MIL-F-13926. Upon
completion or this test, the cover shall be removed and the collimator
and equipment shall be examined for evidence of water penetration
or damage in accordance with requirements of
4.5.2 Sealing. - Internal pressurizing of the collimator to test for
sealing shall be performed using nitrogen gas having a dew point at
least as low as -25 F, and commercial type pressure testing equip-
ment capable of pressurizing the collimator to the pressure specified
in 3.4.2. The test equipment shall be equiped with pressure shut-off
valve, filter, and a calibrated pressure gage to read required
pressure value specified in 3.4.2 to an accuracy of .02 psi. Main-
tain the pressure within collimator for the period specified. Any
drop in pressure as indicated on the pressure gage of the test
equipment shall not exceed requirement specified in 3.4.2. The
pressure shall then be reduced to zero psig (normal atmospheric
pressure). The collimator shall then be flushed with nitrogen to the
requirements of 3.4.2. The interior atmosphere shall be periodically
sampled through a dew point meter until the atmosphere shows a dew
point at lease as low as -25 F. When this atmosphere is attained
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