| ![]() MIL-C-48550(AR) Collimated light output. - Perform this test by using a
focusing photometer capable of producing readings in the micro-
lamberts (10 footlamberts range). The photometer shall have
an accuracy of 4% and capable of repeating to better than +0,5%.
The photometer will be calibrated on a six month basis using a
radioluminus standard established by the United States Army
Metrology and Calibration Center (USAMCC) at Redstone Arsenal,
A1. 35809. The radioluminus standard shall be made using the
same phosphor as the lamp source and shall be returned to USAMCC
on a six month cycle for recalibration prior to calibrating the
photometer. The light output shall be performed by directing the
photometer toward the supported item and separated at the specified
working distance. The item under test shall be supported by an .
appropriate medium having a black background. Align and focus
the receiving aperture of the photometer so that it covers no more
than one-half of the smallest dimension on the radiating surface
of the item under test and is centered on the surface. The
radiating surface must also be perpendicular to the line of sight
of the photometer, The measurement in microlamberts shall be
equal to or exceed the minimum value specified. Perform this test
in a dark room.
4.5.4 -Mechanical. Evevation travel. - The elevation travel test shall be made
by means of a wall chart located a suitable distance from the colli-
mater. The chart shall have a plumbed line with a mark for the
line of sight of the collimator and marks located 800 roils above
and below the collimator line of sight mark. With legs fully ex-
tended in a horizontal position and the elevation clamping mechanism
released, the collimator shall be elevated and depressed through
the entire excursion indicated. Sighting of the collimator shall
be accomplished by means of the open sight located on the collimator
shall meet the minimum requirements Specified in Azimuth travel .- This test shall be made with the wall chart
specified in Sighting of the collimator shall be accompli-
shed by means of the open sight located on the collimator. With
open sight aligned with the plumbed line and the azimuth clamping
mechanism released, the collimator shall be rotated 6400 mils and
shall meet the requirements of Open sight. - This test shall be accomplished with the aid
of an auxiliary telescope and a calibrated target. The center of
the calibrated target shall be coincident with the optical line of
sight of the auxiliary telescope and shall contain a one degree
radious circle the center of which shall represent the center of the
open sight of the collimator. With the collimator positioned in
front of the auxiliary telescope as specified in and the
calibrated target located to the rear of the auxiliary telescope,
the open sight shall read within the limits of the circle in com-
pliance with the requirements of
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