| ![]() MIL-C-48617A(AR)
3.3 Contamination of energetic components. Extreme care
shall be exercised to avoid contamination of primers and propellant
by oil, grease or other foreign matter since such contamination can
cause misfire, increase action time and lot rejection.
3.4 Electrical resistance of primed case. The electrical
resistance of the primed case shall not be less than 500 ohms or
more than 1,200,000 ohms.
3.5 Functioning.
The cartridge shall comply with the
3.5.1 Conditioned at 68F to 72F.
a. Velocity. Average velocity of the projectile shall
be 3380 50 feet per second (fps) at 78 feet from the muzzle of the
gun and the standard deviation shall not exceed 40 fps.
(See 6.6).
b. Pressure. Average chamber pressure
plus 0.84
times the average range (R) (see 6.7) of the chamber pressure shall
not exceed 60,500 pounds per square inch (psi).
c. Waterproofness. The average velocity (wet) of
projectiles shall not vary from the average velocity (dry) of
projectiles by more than 100 fps.
3.5.2 Conditioned at -65F. The action time of the
sample cartridges and the average action time (X) plus four sample
standard deviation(s) shall not exceed 4.0 milliseconds (See 6.6).
3.5.3 Conditioned at ambient temperature.
a. Function and casualty. Cartridges shall function
without casualty when fired in the automatic weapons.
b. Projectile plate function. Projectile shall
function with high order detonation upon target impact. (Chapter 1,
Section 6, AMCR 715-505, Vol. 8 and See 6.8 and 6.10).
c. Accuracy. Average mean radius of all targets shall
not exceed 15 inches (accuracy) at a range of 600 yards.
3.5.4 Safety. There shall be no premature burst (see 6.11)
or evidence thereof nor any projectile sticking in the gun bore in
any of the test firings.
3.6 First article inspection. This specification contains
technical provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for
the submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be
as specified in the contract.
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