| ![]() MIL-C-48654(AR)
Weight of Propellant Before loading. (See dwg. 12630941). The
propellant charge shall be weighed or volumetrically dispensed
into a tared container. Weight limits for weighing should be
established within the applicable requirements, depending upon the
accuracy and precision of the weighing system to assure compliance
with the charge weight requirements. Any charge of bulk
propellant failing to meet the applicable requirements shall be
classed defective and removed from the lot. After loading. Weight 5 grains or less above
assessed maximum weight - Major Defect: Weight more than 5 grains
above assessed maximum weight - Special Defect: Weight 2 grains
or less below assessed minimum weight - Major Defect: Weight more
than 2 grains below assessed minimum weight - Special Defect. 315
sample cartridge assemblies shall be randomly selected from each
lot for this test. If four or more samples exceed the assessed
max weight by 5 or less grains or if any sample exceeds the
assessed max weight by more than 5 grains, the lot shall be
rejected. If four or more samples are under the assessed minimum
weight by 2 grains or less or if any sample is under the assessed
minimum weight by more than 2 grains, the lot shall. be rejected.
In addition, if the total number of defective samples are five or
more, the lot shall be rejected. Testing shall. be as specified in
4.5.4. Automated method. The contractor may elect to
perform this operation with automated equipment and mandatory
process controls. In such cases, process control plans in
accordance with Data Item Description DI-P-1604 must be submitted
to the Technical Agency for approval of the automated operation. Sensitivity Nonfunctioning. Beginning with the first lot
produced and continuing until three consecutive lots have complied
with the acceptance criteria specified? 200 primed heads shall be
randomly selected from each lot for this test. If one or more
cartridges fail to comply with the specified requirement, the lot
shall be rejected. The test shall be performed as specified in Nonfunctioning. After three consecutive lots
have met the criteria of, the sampling plan for this
test shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II
Code Letter K and
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