| MIL-C-48654(AR)
Velocity, functioning and security. Velocity, functioning and security. Beginning with
the first lot Produced and continuing until three consecutive lots
have complied with the applicable requirements specified, the
sampling plan and procedure for this test shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-414, Section B, Table B-3, Code letter M and AQL of
1.0 percent. In addition, if the velocity standard deviation of
the sample exceeds the lot requirement, the lot shall be
rejected. If any round fails to function for reasons attributable
to ignition cartridge failure or if a metal parts separation
occurs, the lot shall be rejected. This test shall be performed
as specified in 4.5.5. Velocity, functioning and security. After three
consecutive lots have met the criteria of, the sampling
plan for this test shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-414,
Section B, Table B-3, code letter I, using an AQL of 1.0 percent.
In addition, if the velocity standard deviation of the sample
exceeds the applicable lot requirement the lot shall be rejected.
If any round fails to function for reasons attributable to
ignition cartridge failure, or if a metal parts separation occurs,
the lot shall be rejected. If a lot is rejected, revert to
sampling plan per paragraph 4.4.303.1. This test shall be
performed as specified in 4.5.5. Check test for deterioration of primer, percussion
M35. If the total elapsed time between original acceptance of the
M35 primer lot and the assembly of that lot into the ignition
cartridge exceeds two years, or if the M35 primers have been
subjected to adverse conditions for any period of time since
previous test, the M35 primer lot shall be subjected to and must
satisfactorily pass the check test for deterioration specified in
MIL-P-46425 immediately before the M35 primer lot is assembled
into the ignition cartridges. Static Pressure. The M9 propellant lot shall be
tested as specified in 4.5.7. One hundred (100) ignition
cartridges shall be loaded at the assessed charge weight with M9
propellant randomly selected from the propellant lot. If the
average ignition cartridge pressure exceeds the specified
requirement the representative lot of M9 propellant shall be
withheld and referred to ARDC, Dover, New Jersey (AMSMC-QAT-B).
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the examinations and test prescribed herein is
described in the `Paragraph Reference/Inspection Method' column in
the tables starting with paragraph The contractor shall
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