| ![]() MIL-C-48668E (AR)
6.5 Submission of inspection equipment for design approval.
See MIL-A-48078. Submit designs as required to Commander, U.S.
Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, ATTN:
AMSMC-QAT-I (D), Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. This
address will be specified in the Contract Data Requirements
List DD Form 1423 in the contract. Unless otherwise specified,
data item DI-R-1714 will apply.
6.6 Drawings. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this
specification under the heading U.S. Army Armament, Research
Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) may also include
drawings prepared by, and identified as ARRADCOM, Edgewood
Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal or Picatinny
Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally prepared by these
activities is now under the cognizance of ARDEC.
6.7 Additives.
Additives shall have prior approval by the
Contracting Officer. Mold release agents and processing aids
are considered additives.
6.8 Hangups. For this specification, the definition of a
"hangup" is a round which is dropped into the mortar tube but
does not strike the firing pin with enough force to function
the primer.
6.9 Submission of formal proving ground firing report.
Residue test data shall be sent to Commander, U.S. Army
Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, ATTN: AMSMC-QAT-B (D),
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
Proving ground test summary.
Sample Size
Absence of hangup,
Residue Test
350 Containers (175
secondary flame, &
test rounds, 25
(First Article)
reference rounds)
flaming debris, zone 4
125 Containers
Absence of hangup,
Residue Test
secondary flame, &
(50 test rounds)
flaming debris, zone 4
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