| ![]() MIL-C-50509A(AR)
shall be reached in 3.5 minutes in the manner described in
Standard MIL-STD-1234, Method 101.2, paragraph 5.4. A 50 ml.
aliquot of the blank shall be titrated in the same manner. The
water content shall be calculated as follows:
% Water =
= grams of water per ml. of standard water in
methanol solution
V = ml of Karl Fisher reagent added to the sample
ml of Karl Fisher reagent added to the blank
R = ml of standard water in methanol solution per ml. of
Karl Fisher reagent
S = ml of standard water in methanol solution for
titration of sample
S' = ml of standard water in methanol solution with back
titration of blank
W = weight of sample in grams
4.5.3 Salt spray.
This test shall be conducted in accordance
with ASTM B 117-73.
4.5.4 Static test of pellet assembly. This test shall be
conducted in accordance with equipment drawings 9201136, 9201268,
9201390, 9200965, 9200966, 9200967, 9200968, 9200969, 9200970,
9200971, 9200972, 9200973, 9200974, 9201392, and 9247071.
Observation shall be made for the static characteristics of the
applicable drawing.
The candlepower shall be determined over the
best 5.5 seconds of burning time.
Pull test of cartridge.
The cartridge shall be placed
in an approved fixture and the axial force specified on the
applicable drawing shall be applied.
Cartridge shall be pulled
until total separation occurs and data shall be recorded. The
projectile assembly so tested shall be visually inspected for
damage that would impair proper functioning of the round.
Projectile assemblies not exhibiting such damage may be returned
to the lot.
Projectile assemblies exhibiting such damage and the
cartridge case loading assembly shall be rejected.
4.5.6 Transportation vibration.
The cartridges shall be
packaged and packed in accordance with dwgs. 9209204 and 9209205
and tested in-accordance with Test No. 104 of MIL-STD-331, except
that each box shall be vibrated at the specified amplitudes for
four (4) hours in each of three (3) different positions (i.e., box
positioned so that the cartridges are vertical with case end down,
box positioned so that the cartridges are horizontal, and box
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