| ![]() MIL-C-50742(MU)
8 August 1973
4 . 5 . 2 . 2 . 1 Pressure tester. Special test equipment (STE) in
accordance with Drawing F8565556, or equivalent, shall be provided
to check the sealing of the unit.
4.6 Test methods and procedures.
4 . 6 . 1 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the test
conditions shall be in accordance with the test facilities provisions
of MIL-F-13926.
4 . 6 . 2 Continuity test. Perform resistance measurements between
the pins of J1 and P1 which are directly interconnected, to determine com-
pliance with
4 . 1 . 3 RANGE and RESET switches test. Perform resistance
Measurements Between the pins of J1 and between the pins of P1, as
specified in table II, for each position of the RANGE and RESET
switches to determine compliance with
4.6.4 RESET indicator test. Apply the +13 Vdc power as
specified in table I, and observe the lighting of the RESET indicator
lamp to determine compliance with
4.6.5 RANGE indicator test. Apply the +13 Vdc power as
specified in table I, and then apply the logical zero signal type B of
table I to J1-N. Observe the RANGE indicator lamp before and after
application of the logical signal to determine compliance With
4.6.6 Rectile light control test. Apply the +13 Vdc power as
specified i table I. Measure the output voltage at P1-10 while rotating
the shaft of potentiometer R1 full-range clockwise to determine corn-
pliance with
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