| ![]() MIL-C-52037F(ME)
tilted position without any evidence of leaks; faulty lubrication, cooling, or
fuel supply distributionl lubricant spill-over; or reduced performance upon
starting after standing in this position.
3.8.3 Endurance. The compressor shall operate as specified herein for 500
hours when tested in accordance with At the end of this 500 hour
period, the decrease in output shall be not more than 1.5 cfm when delivering
air at a pressure of 3,500 psi.
schedule adjustments and servicing, as established by a maintenance shchedule
preparaed and submitted by the contractor prior to test. All major asemblies
and installed attachments shall be accessible for maintenance repair and
replacement without removal other major assemblies and installed attachments
not normally removed. Design for maintainability shall comply with 3.7.1
Cover plates which must be emoved for component adjustment shall be equipped
nomenclature for items accessible through then in accordance with MIL-STD-1472. *see 3.7.1). All fasteners shall be fo corrosion-resistance material or
shall be tested to be corrosion resistant. All screw threads shall be in
accordance with FED-STD-H28. Maximum use shall be made of interdhangeable
hardware and fastening devices. Means for drainage of lubricants, fuel and
condensate traps shall be in an accessible location and shall drain without
splashing on any component or on operating personnel. The drain outlest shall
be so located facilitate complete drainage into a suitable oontainer. Each
maintenance, assembly or disassembly operation performed as a result of testing
shall be accoplished by not more than two men using common tools and specified
tools furnished with the compressor.
3.10.2 Coolinq Compresor shall be entirely air cooled. Intercoolers
shall be provided to remove the heat of compression between consecutive stages.
An aftercooler shall also be provided. All ooolers shall have the capacity to
cool the air after compression to temperature of not more than the ambient
up to ambient temperature of
In the ambient
temperature range of
positive conrrol of cooling shall be
provided to prevent valves, traps, piping, and controls from freezing. If a
manual device is used, a means shall be provided on the control. Each cooler
indicate to the operator the oorrect positioning of the device. Each cooler
shall be provided with an adjustable, spring-loaded-type, pressure-relief valve
adjusted to operate at the pressure necessary to protect the compressor. On
winterized compresors, the comprssor cooling airflow shall be controllable so
as to permit efficient generation at an ambient tenperature of
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