| ![]() MIL-C-52128C
Engineers (ASAE), and American National Standards Institute Inc., (ANSI). Unless otherwise
specified herein, rubber products furnished shall not exceed 8 calendar quarters in age from date
of cure of the rubber to date of acceptance of the crusher by the Government. Threaded parts
shall be in accordance with SAE standards.
3.5 Interchangeability. All parts having the same part number shall be functionally and
dimensionally interchangeable. The identification of part numbers and changes thereto shall be
in accordance with the item identification and part number requirements of MIL-STD-100.
Common hardware and fasteners such as bolts, nuts, and screws shall be held to a minimum
number of types and sizes. Unless otherwise specified herein, bolts, screws, and studs in sizes
1/4 through 1-1/2 inches shall conform to SAE J429, Grade 5 or stronger, steel nuts in sizes
1/4 through 1-1/2 inches shall conform to SAE J995, Grade 5 or stronger, spring-type
lockwashers shall conform to SAE J489, and rivets shall conform to SAE J492. All screw
threads shall be in accordance with FED-STD-H28.
3.6 Safety. The safety characteristics of the crusher shall conform to all applicable
requirements of the DOT Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, for this type equipment. The
manufacturer shall provide evidence or certification to shown that a system safety hazard
analysis has been performed on the crusher in accordance with MIL-STD-882. Initial setting-up
of the crusher shall not require operating personnel themselves under suspended components or
in hazardous positions. For exposed components and systems which are subject to high
temperatures, high pressures, electrically or hydraulically actuated, or inherently hazardous, the
safety characteristics shall provide safeguarding, enclosing, and insulating features adequate to
eliminate the hazard. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations shall
be followed where applicable. Failure of any hydraulic, electrical or mechanical system shall not
produce a condition that could cause personal injury or unreasonable equipment damage. All
moving parts which are of such nature or so located as to be a hazard to operating or
maintenance personnel shall be fully enclosed or guarded. Step surfaces shall provide a nonskid
footing. Nonfunctional sharp edges, projecting points, and excessive length of fasteners shall be
eliminated. An unobstructed space shall be provided on the rear of the crusher for mounting of
an emblem identifying slow-moving vehicles. A mounting bracket socket shall be permanently
installed and shall conform to SAE J725 and ASAE R276. An emblem and its mounting blade
shall be furnished on each crusher and shall be in accordance with ASAE R276. For other than
travel, the emblem and blade shall be stowed in the toolbox.
3.7 Hoppers and chutes. All portions of hoppers (except the hopper on the feeder), chutes,
plates, and metal surfaces subjected to abrasive wear caused by aggregate movement shall be
lined or faced with replaceable steel plates conforming to ASTM A242 not less than 3/8 inch in
thickness. All bolt heads subjected to the flow of aggregate shall not extend beyond surfaces
exposed to the material and shall be of hardened steel.
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