| ![]() MIL-C-52128C Controls, cables, and switches. Power cable, reels, and ground rods. The main feeder cable shall consist of two
identical 100-foot lengths conforming to MIL-C-3432, Type CO-03HLF (3/00-3/5R) 1750 or
CO-03HGF (3/00-3/5R) 1750. Each length shall have a 4-pole male connector on one end and a
4-pole female connector on the other end. The cables shall have safety chains and strain collars.
The safety chain shall be attached to the male end of each cable. Each connector shall have a
protective cap attached with sash chain. Each cable assembly shall be equal to and
interchangeable with Joy Manufacturing Company Assembly No. X8617-25. A manually
operated reel or reels to contain the main feeder cable shall be permanently mounted on the
crusher. The reel or reels shall be of steel construction, ratchet type, and shall include a
provision to secure the cables on the reel or reels. Three ground rod assemblies for grounding
the main power source shall be provided. Each ground rod assembly shall conform to W-R-550
except that the ground wire shall be 15 feet long. A 1/4-inch bronze grounding stud or bolt with
nut, and two internal-external toothed washers shall be provided on the frame of the crusher near
the distribution panel for attaching the groundwire clamp to the crusher. The ground rod
assemblies and clamps and wires shall be stowed in the toolbox. Power cable adaptor assembly. A power cable adaptor assembly shall be
provided. The assembly shall consist of a 4-pole female connector on one end of a 5-foot length
of cable conforming to MIL-C-3432, Type CO-03HLF (3/00-3/5R) 1750 or CO-03HGF
(3/00-3/5R) 1750. A strain collar shall be provided to accommodate the safety chain on the male
end of the main feeder cable. The adaptor shall have a protective cap attached with sash chain.
The other end of the feeder cable shall have 12 inches of the cable jacket removed and shall have
1 inch of insulation stripped from each conductor. The assembly shall be equal to and
interchangeable with Joy Manufacturing Company Assembly No. X86l7-24. Power receptacles. Auxiliary branch circuits. Two receptacles of the 4-pole, female type suitable for
20-ampere, 440-volt service shall be provided. The receptacles shall be equal to and
interchangeable with Joy Manufacturing Co. Part No. X1697 provided with a spring-loaded
cover. The inserts shall be equal to and interchangeable with Joy Manufacturing Co.
Part No. 441 FIP provided with 24-inch pigtails. The receptacles shall be mounted in a bank and
shall be accessible from the ground level for receiving connections from portable conveyors. Main feeder receptacle. A main feeder receptacle shall be provided. The
receptacle shall have a spring-loaded dust cover and a safety chain, and shall have a 200-ampere,
440-volt rating. The receptacle shall be equal to and interchangeable with Joy Manufacturing
Co. Receptacle No. 8617-26. The main feeder receptacle shall be identified as "Main Feeder
Receptacle" by an identification plate.
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