| ![]() MIL-C-52128C Cross-country operation. The crusher shall negotiate unimproved roads and open,
rolling, and hilly cross-country terrain at speeds up to 10 mph. The crusher shall traverse grades
up to 40 percent; mud, sand, and snow; and transport incident to intended operation sites, when
towed by crawler tractors. Without prior preparation, the crusher shall ford hardbottomed bodies
of water up to 30 inches in depth without damage or adverse effects because of immersion. Trailing and turning ability. The crusher shall trail the towing vehicle without
weaving or sidesway. The crusher shall follow the truck-tractor without exceeding 75 percent of
the DOT tracking deviation, as specified in 293.70 of the DOT Regulations, when towed over a
paved surface. Jackknife turns up to an angle of 90 degrees for truck-tractor semitrailer
combination and turns up to 60 degrees for truck-dolly semitrailer combinations as measured
from straight-ahead to the right and to the left shall not cause damage to or interference between
the prime mover, dolly, or crusher. Braking ability. The combined service brakes of the prime mover and crusher shall
control, decelerate, and stop the combination in accordance with DOT Regulations, except that
the brake application and stopping distance shall be accurately measured from initial movement
of the brake pedal to the stopping point. The emergency breakaway system shall provide a
controlled, emergency brake application that shall stop and hold the crusher without hazardous
unbalance when actuated by disconnect, breakage, or leakage of the emergency line. With the
brake system of the crusher stabilized at maximum working pressure of the coupled prime
mover, the air leakage within the semitrailer brake system shall not exceed 1.0 psi per minute
with the brakes released, nor exceed 2.0 psi per minute with the brakes applied. Suspension system. The suspension systems of the dolly and crusher shall provide
a nondamaging stable ride for highway travel and the articulation specified herein for
cross-country travel. The suspension system shall withstand the imposed loads without evidence
of overload, wear, malfunction, or permanent deformation when they are subjected to the loading
and the operating conditions specified herein. When the dolly is coupled to the semitrailer, the
articulation shall provide not less than 8 inches difference in elevation between opposite wheels
on each axle without loss of tire-to-ground contact. In addition, not less than 8 inches
articulation shall be required between all combinations of diagonally opposite wheels on multiple
axle suspensions without loss of tire-to-ground contact. Eight inches of articulation shall be
4 inches up and 4 inches down.
3.17.2 Railroad. Sectionalization for rail transportation shall be within the dimensional
limits shown on Figure 5, except that an item length of 38 feet 10 inches in permissible.
Sectionalization and reassembly shall each be accomplished in not more than 6 hours without
cutting or welding.
3.17.3 Air transport. Sectionalization for air transport shall be within the dimensional limits
shown on Figure 6. Sectionalization and reassembly shall each be accomplished as specified
in 3.17.2.
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