| ![]() MIL-C-52128C
3.31 Government-loaned property. When specified the following property in the quantities
indicated will be loaned by the Government (see 6.5):
Item No.
M916 Truck Tractor, 20-ton, 6 x 6
M920 Truck Tractor, 20-ton, 8 x 6
M917 Truck, Dump, 20-ton, 8 x 6
3.32 Workmanship. The workmanship of each crusher shall be in accordance with the
engineering, manufacturing, and production standards of the construction equipment industry.
Workmanship deficiencies if any, shall be discovered and corrected. All parts, components, and
assemblies of the crusher including bearings, seals, machinery, stampings, welded parts, casting,
forgings, and machined work shall be clean and free from sand, dirt, fins, pits, sprues, scale, flux,
and other harmful, extraneous material. External surfaces shall be free of burrs and sharp edges
and corners except when sharp edges and corners are functional.
3.32.1 Steel fabrication. Steel used in the fabrication of the crusher shall provide original
quality surface finish and shall be free from kinks and sharp bends. Steel having an eroded
surface is not acceptable. The forming of the material shall be done by methods that will not
cause damage to the metal. Shearing, punching, and chipping shall be done uniformly, neatly,
and accurately. Corners shall be square and true, and all sharp edges and burrs shall be removed.
The burned surfaces of flame-cut material shall be free of burrs, slag, and sharp edges.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid overheating of metal. Heated metal shall be allowed to cool
slowly, except where heat treatment is required. All bends of a major character shall be made
with precise, unyielding dies or jig fixtures to insure uniformity of size and shape.
3.32.2 Welders and welding. Welders. Before assinging any welder to manual welding work covered by this
specification, the contractor shall provide the contracting officer with certification that the
welder has passed qualification tests as prescribed by any of the following listed codes or an
equivalent manufactures qualification test for the type of welding operation to be performed and
that such qualification is effective as defined by the particular code:
Standard Qualification Procedure of the American Welding Society.
Welding Qualification of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
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