| ![]() MIL-C-52128C Holdback device test. During capacity and performance tests cut off electric
power to motor-driven conveyors when carrying capacity load to determine conformance to
3.13.9.l. Failure to prevent slippage or reversal shall constitute failure of this test. Transportability tests. Highway and cross-country tests. Tow the crusher as follows:
(a) Before any highway and cross-country tests are conducted, measure all critical
mounting points on the crusher. After all highway and cross-country tests are
completed, check the measurement of critical mounting points and inspect all welds.
(b) 250 miles over highways with the M916 truck-tractor at speeds up to 30 mph.
(c) 10 miles cross-country with the dolly specified in 3.15 and the M917 dump truck
ballasted as required to provide traction.
(d) 10 miles cross-country with the M920 truck-tractor at speeds up to 10 mph.
(e) Tow over 8-inch high obstacles such one pass perpendicular and one pass at an angle
45 degrees from both right and left that all left and right combinations of wheels
have simultaneously passed over the obstacles. Observe tire-to-surface contact,
evidence of binding, or interference. After returning the crusher to level ground,
measure the diagonals and parallels for evidence of axle misalinement.
(f) Tow over V-ditches not less than 36 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Negotiate the
ditches two passes each from both perpendicular and at an angle of 45 degrees to the
direction of travel.
(g) Ford the semitrailer through a body of water not less than 30 inches deep. While in
the water turn off the lights for approximately 1 minute and then return to "on".
(h) Measure and record the deviation or off-tracking of the semi-trailer with respect to
the dolly and to the prime movers when the semi-trailer is towed straight ahead on a
paved surface.
(i) Demonstrate brake system conformance to DOT regulations.
(j) With the truck-tractor only, tow the semitrailer up to 30 mph and apply the brakes to
produce a deceleration rate of not less than 10 feet per second, until slowed to
10 mph. Immediately accelerate to 30 mph. Repeat this snubbing cycle for a total of
5 cycles and make a panic stop on the 6th cycle.
(k) At 10 mph, cause the crusher to go into "emergency", simulating a breakaway from
the dump truck and dolly-semitrailer.
(l) Test the brake system in accordance with TTMA recommended practice RP#12.
During the above tests, lights shall be on and turn signals actuated on turns. Upon completion of
the travel, remove the rims and wheels and examine the entire crusher, including the rims and
wheels. Damage to or permanent deformation of any part of the crusher, change in critical
mounting point dimensions, evidence of any weld being defective, inability to complete any
portion of the test, incompatibility with any towing vehicle, or operating difficulty shall
constitute failure of this test.
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