| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
TABLE II. Trailer specifications. (Cont'd)
VMRS 13-012-00A
Plug - Electric Brake.
VMRS 13-012-00B
Receptacle - Electric Brake.
Provide components and the instructions to
securely install a tow vehicle electric brake
receptacle on rear of tow vehicle per
SAE J849.
Provide trailer harness and plug assembly to
reach forward min. 36-in. beyond the tow eye
Provide clip to hold harness doubled back on
tow bar.
Provide electric brake receptacle and plug
housings same as TTMA PR No. 40, except
provide the wiring insert components of the
single pole type as shown in figure 8.
Provide both receptacle and plug with "Electric
Brake" decal labels per 3.21.3. Locate electric
brake plug and matching receptacle near the
intervehicular components.
Brakes - Electro-Hydraulic.
VMRS 13-012-00C
When optional electric brakes are acceptable
and the electro-hydraulic system is selected,
provide electro-hydraulic brakes to have the
electrial portion comply with the electrical
component requirments. VMRS 30, the
hydraulic portion comply with the hydraulic
component requirements (VMRS 13-006 &
13-007, and the brake fluid,
(VMRS 53-999-008), requirements as
specified for the air-over-hydraulic system.
Provide 12-volt electric motor with sufficient
range of operation to control and stop the
trailer in a legal manner:
a. Under cold region conditions, down to
minus 40 F ambient temperature and a
9.0 volts at the prime mover.
b. Under tropic conditons, up to plus 120 F
ambient temperatures and at 14.0 volts at
the prime mover.
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