| ![]() MIL-C-52437C
TABLE II. Trailer specifications. (Cont'd)
VMRS 34-004-021 (Cont'd)
All lamps equipped with polycarbonate plastic
lenses and either hermetically sealed shock
resistant filaments or fleet service bulbs per
TMC-ATA Advisory AV 1-2 having the Trade
Number cited therein. All running lamps,
clearance, identification, and side marker of
same interchangeable make and model.
Locations per TMC-ATA RP-702 and
TTMA RP No. 9.
Group 50
Hubodometer Assembly.
VMRS 51-002-001
When specified (see 6.2, T-10), furnish a
hubodometer of the driveless, tamperproof,
self-lubricating type for converting wheel
revolutions into accurate mileage readings.
Visual recording counter having mileage
numbers in the upright postion.
Min. 7-digit type recording a minimum
Corrosion-resistant housing sealed against
moisture, oil, grease, dust, and climatic
Hubodometer located on curbside, axle hub.
Disc wheel removal without disturbing
hubodometer required.
Chock Wheel.
VMRS 53-004-013
Provide 2 ea. chock blocks and cradles for
single axles and 4 ea. chock blocks and cradles
for multi axles, located 1 or 2 on each side near
the forward rear, axle(s).
Provide chock block per figures 9 and 10.
Captive chains of a length to place blocks both
ahead of and behind the forward tires of the
front axle without being taunt.
Cradles installed on a vertical flat surface with
ears up and the lower loop down having excess
chain figure-eight-wound over the ears.
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