| ![]() MIL-C-52477D(ME)
operate at rated capacity for less than 4 hours while maintaining minus 25 F
plus or minus 5 F ambient temperature, and record the data specified in at 30-minute intervals. Damage to the compressor, or any of the
failure criteria specified in shall constitute failure of this test. Precipitation. Subject the compressor, in operating condition with
all panels necessary for operation open, to a simulated rainstorm by spraying
fresh water at a minimum rate of 3 inches per hour directed simultaneously at all
four sides and on the top at an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the
vertical. The apparatus for producing the spray shall emit water in the form of
droplets rather than a fine mist. Expose the compressor to the spray for 1/2
hour while not running and then start and operate the compressor for 1/2 hour
with the outlet closed and the receiver bypassed while the spray continues.
Water leakage into air cleaners and crankcases or water accumulation on other
components which prevents normal operation shall constitute failure of this test. Tilted position. Tilt the compressor in each of four positions 15
degrees from the horizontal plane about its transverse and longitudinal axes.
Start the compressor in each of the four positions with a full fuel tank and
operate for 30 minutes at rated capacity. Allow the compressor to stand for 4
hours in the tilted position most likely to adversely affect the lubrication or
fuel system. Without changing the tilt, start the compressor and operate for 30
minutes at rated capacity. Evidence of leaks, faulty lubrication, inadequate
fuel supply or lubricant spillover shall constitute failure of this test. Slinging and tiedown provisions. The slinging and tiedown provisions
shall be subjected to the loads specified in MIL-STD-209 to determine conformance
with the slinging provision working load and tiedown eye ultimate strength
(static load) requirements. Nonconformance with MIL-STD-209 shall constitute
failure of this test. Electromagnetic interference. The compressor shall be subjected to
the tests specified in MIL-STD-461 for Class IIIC equipment. The test report
covering electromagnetic interference shall be included in the final compressor
test report. Nonconformance of the compressor with MIL-STD-461 shall constitute
failure of this test. Endurance.
Operate the compressor for 500 hours as follows: Test procedure.
a. 400 hours delivering a minimum of rated capacity.
b. 50 hours cycling a minimum of 10 times per hour between cut-in and
cut-out pressures of the regulator.
c. 50 hours cycling once each hour, delivering rated capacity for a 10
minute period and delivering no air for a 50 minute period each hour.
Conduct the test without shelter and at the climatic conditions existing at the
place of test. Record the data specified in at 8-hour intervals.
Readings shall be taken only after at least 1 hour of continuous operation.
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