| MIL-C-52765E(ME)
(Non-Government standards and aplications are normally available from
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documents also may be available in or through libraries or other informational
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of
this document and the references cited herein, the text of this document takes
Precedence. Nothing in this document, supersedes applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Description. The camouflage screening support shall be as hown
on the drawings specified in 2.1.2 and as specified herein. The support
system shalll be Provided in COlOrs aS specified in 3.7, 3.8-3.9.
3.1.1 Drawings. The drawings forming a part of this specification are end
product drawings. No deviation from the prescribed dimensions or tolerances
is permissible without prior approval of the contracting officer. Where
tolerances could cumulatively result in incorrect fits, the contractor shall
provide tolerances within those prerscribed on the drawings to ensure correct
fit, assembly, and operation of the camouflage screening support systems any
data (e.g., shop drawings, layouts, flow sheets, processing procedures, etc.)
Prepared by the contractor of obtained from a vendor to support fabrication
and manufacture of the production item shall be made available, upon request,
for inspection by the contracting off icer or designated representative.
3.1.2 Assembly. The support assembly shall consist of the following
components and shall have a total weight of more than 70 pounds for class
1, and 85 pounds for class 2:
Supprt poles, 12 each (type I or type II).
Batten spreaders, 18 ead (subtype A Or subtype B) .
Batten spreader adapters, 6 each.
Stakes, 18 each.
Case, 1 each.
3.2 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected
to first article inspection (see 4.3 and 6.3).
3.3 Material. Material shall be as specified herein and on the drawings.
Materials not specified shall be selected by the contractor and shall be
subject to all previsions of this specif ication.
3.3.1 Material deterioration and control. The camouflage screening support
systems shall be fabricated from compatible materials,inherently corrosion
and deterioration resistant or treated to provide protection against the
various forms of corrosion and deterioration that may be encounteredin any of
the applicable storage and operating environments to which the camouflage
screening support system may be exposed.
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