| ![]() MIL-C-52765E(ME)
30.6.4 Strapping application and pallet quality.
a. Strapping tension firm but does
a. Tension so great that strapping
not tear or cut completely
tears and cuts completely
through carton edges
through carton edges.
b. Strapping parallel to Carton
b. Strapping not whithin 2 inches of
edges within 2 inches.
being parallel to the carton
c. Strapping which is applied
c. Strapping loose to the point
firmly and Cannot be easily
that it can be easily moved
moved sideways to the box or
sideways at the box or pallet
pallet edges.
edges where it had been applied.
d. Minor deparatures in pallet
d. Major damage to pallet such as
quality such as checks, shakes
broken stringers or deckboards.
or splits, any of which are no
longer thjan the width of the
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