| ![]() MIL-C-52973A(ME)
control of the cooling shall be provided to prevent valves, traps, piping, and
If a manual device is used, a means shall be provided on
controls from freezing.
the control panel to indicate to the operator the correct positioning of the
Each cooler shall be provided with an adjustable, spring-loaded-type,
pressure relief valve located between each cooler, adjusted to operate at the
pressure necessary to protect the compressor.
3.8.3 Pressure tubing and fittings.
All pressure tubing and fittings shall
have a minimum working pressure of 5000 psi and a test pressure of 8300 psi, and
shall be of stainless steel type 304 or equivalent.
All tubing and fittings
shall be installed to minimize and withstand vibration and allow for thermal
Provision shall be made for relieving pressure to the atmosphere from
all lines in the system without disassembly of any fittings or component.
3.8,4 Valves. Manual operated shutoff, isolation, and control service valves
shall be of the positive shutoff type and shall be of stanless steel type 304 or
equivalent . All manually operated valve controls shall be provided with
double-ended arrows showing the direction of operations and labled at each end to
The valves shall require not more than 60
indicate the functional result.
inch-pounds of torque to open or close under a pressure of 5000 psi and
Valve seats
overtorquing to 150 inch-pounds shall not damage the valve seats.
shall be resistant to seat erosion.
A mechanical-type moisture separator shall be
3.8.5 Moisture separator.
provided downstream from the aftercooler to remove condensed moisture and oil.
The separator shall have a minimum operating pressure of 5000 psi and a proof
pressure of 8300 psi, and shall be of corro~iort-resistant material. The
separator shall have a volumetric capacity large enough to contain the moisture
and oil which would accumulate in 20 minutes while the compressor is operating at
rated capacity with a relative humidity of not less than 85 percent and an
A valve shall be provided for periodic drainage
ambient temperature of 110 F.
Periodic drainage shall not be required more
of the moisture separator.
frequently than 15 minute intervals under all conditions specified herein. In
addition, automatic drainage of the moisture separator shall be provided on
Provisions shall be made to heat the moisture
shutdown of the compressor.
separator when operating at ambient temperature below 32 F to prevent freezing
of condensed moisture. When an electrical heater blanket is utilized, it shall
be for 28-volt dc electric service.
For the purpose of selecting the engine, the
3.9.1 Commerical engine.
compressor shall be classified as a class II end item in accordance with
The engine, including all systems, components, and accessories,
The engine
shall conform to MIL-STD-141O, except as otherwise specified herein.
shall be 4-cycle and air cooled. The engine shall be furnished as a complete,
self-contained, power package including hand throttle control, fail-safe
governor, manual starting system, and engine stop switch. The engine shall
comply with the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources
Board regulations governing control of air pollution for new motor vehicles and
new engines, in effect for this type of equipment on date of manufacture.
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