| ![]() MIL-C-52973A(ME)
A moisture separator shall be installed upstream of the
limit shall not apply.
final filter to prevent liquid water from reaching the filter element. The
design of the filter housing shall provide for replacement of the filter element
by one man using only common tools.
Gaskets and gasket sealer shall be nontoxic
The final filter shall have a carbon monoxide removal capability and
the delivered air shall not contain more than 10 parts per million cabon monoxide
when 50 parts per million cabon monoxide are introduced into the compressor
intake in accordance with air purity standards found in NAVSEA 0994-LP-001-9010.
Filtration system and filter elements will be standardized where possible and
limited to those filtration systems and filter elements on the "Approved
Navy Use List" (NAVSEAINST 10560.2).
3.11 Pressure control valve.
A pneumatic pressure control valve shall be
provided to prevent the passage of air through the filter bank at pressure less
than 2000 psi.
The unit shall be equipped with a check valve to prevent reverse
air flow of downstream air.
Control panel.
A control panel shall be provided for mounting any gages,
meters, and controls as specified herein.
Gages, meters , and controls shall be
clearly identified and shall be mounted so that they will not be damaged under
any condition of compressor operation specified herein.
All gages, controls, and
meters necessary for operation shall be accessible and visible to a single
A schematic airflow diagram
operator standing on one side of the compressor.
Labeling shall comply
shall be permanently affixed on or near the control panel.
with requirements in 3.19.2.
Pressure gages shall be provided to indicate filter
All pressure gages shall be the liquid fill
system and servicing line pressures.
type, mounted on the control panel and shall be isolated from vibration by shock
absorbing mounts.
Each gage shall be vibration resistant and provisions shall be
made to prevent freezing of gases under conditions specified.
An hourmeter shall be mounted on the control panel.
hourmeter shall have a range from 0 to 9999 hours and shall be connected to tne
A filler hose shall be provided to connect the compressor
Filler hose.
The hose shall be a commertial
and diving tanks so that the tanks may be filled.
type hose, 15 feet or longer In length with a minimum 60O0 psi working pressure
The hose shall have a wire-bra~a outer layer and
and a 1(.)000 psi test pressure.
The hose shall have SCUBA
an innermost layer of polytetrofluoroethylene.
Industry standard quick release/connect fittings at each end of the nose, an
approved military diving pressure gage and a SCUBA fill yoke complete with
integral fill valve and bleeder valve.
3.13 Skid mounting. The compressor unit shall be assembled and mounted on a
Both ends of the skid frame shall be provided with pulling attachments
which may also be used for lifting or tiedown purposes.
The skid frame shall
include two channels not less than 11 inches wide and 3 inches high opening on
The center
both sides of the compressor unit to provide for moving by forklift.
distance between the channels shall be not more than 64 inches.
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