| ![]() MIL-C-52973A(ME)
shall be separated by more than 3/16 inch, unless appropriate bridging techniques
are used.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the welding process used in
fabrication of the compressor unit shall be at the option of the contractor.
Before assining any welder or welding operator to welding
3.21.4 Welders.
work covered by this specification, the contractor shall obtain certification
that the welder or welding operator has passed qualification tests as prescribed
by either of the following listed codes for the type of welding operations to be
performed and that such qualification iS effective as defined by the particular
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, "Welding and Brazing
AWS, D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel.
Contractors who only make horizontal welds need not qualify welder for "all
position welding".
The government reserves the right to require recertification
of any welder or welding operator.
The certification shall be made available for
review by the contracting officer or his representative upon request.
3.21.5 Bolted connections.
Boltholes shall be accurately formed and shall
have all burrs removed.
Stainless steel washers shall be provided where
Matching thread areas securing bolts or capscrews shall be of
sufficient strength to withstand the tensile strength of the bolt.
All fasteners
shall be correctly torqued and shall have full thread engagement.
3.21.6 Riveted connections.
Rivets shall fill the hole completely.
The upset
rivet heads shall be full, neatly made, concentric with the rivet holes, and in
full contact with the surface of the member.
Tolerances and gages for metal fits shall conform to the
3.21.7 Machine work.
limits specified herein and to the standards of the industry.
The completed unit gross weight shall not exceed 1500 pounds dry
3.22 Weight.
The compressor unit shall conform to human
Human factors engineering.
Special design
factors engineering design criteria as described in MIL-STD-1472.
emphasis shall be given, but not limited to, 4 (General Requirements), 5.1
(Control/Display Integration), 5.2 (visual Displays), 5.4 (Controls), 5.5
(Labeling), 5.9 (Design for Maintainability), and 5.13 (Hazards and Safety) of
MIL-STD-1472, as applicable.
3.24 Cleaning of life support parts and systems.
All parts and systems
contained with the unit for use with oxygen and compressed air will be cleaned
and tested for cleanliness in accordance with the standards of the following
MIL-STD-767, MIL-STD-1246, MIL-STD-1330,
publications and procedures:
MIL-STD-1359, MIL-STD-1622, MIL-D-16791, NAVMAT ?-9290, NAVMEDCOMINST 6260.3, and
NEDU Air and Oxygen Systems Cleaning Procedure for Organizational Level
Included in the cleaning procedure is
Preventative and Corrective Maintenance.
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