| ![]() MIL-C-52973A(ME)
remedy by adjustment, repair or replacement within 30 minutes (all waiting
periods are excluded) utilizing the resources available to the parent unit when
deployed and which causes any of the following:
Failure to commence operation, cessation of operation or degradation
of performance below the designated levels.
Serious damage to the system.
Personnel safety hazards,
Air purity not as specified. Test procedure.
The units shall be operated continuously as
described above except that preventative maintenance checks and services shall
be made as prescribed by the equipment maintenance manuals. Only the
maintenance established by the contractor in the maintenance schedule prior to
test start is permitted during test.
Stops for such maintenance shall be
recorded as previously described.
Maintenance operations required during first Maintainability.
article testing shall be accomplished to determine conformance to 3.6.2.
or inadequacies in the manual shall not be considered in assessing the
maintenance ratio. Maintenance ratio.
The maintenance ratio shall be computed during
first article testing. Nonconformance to 3.6.2 shall constitute failure of this
test. Operation..
Operate each compressor unit for not less than 10 hours
utilizing all operator controls and determine capacity.
Capacity may be
measured by use of a calibrated meter or bottle pump method.
Air purity shall
be tested in accordance with after initial 30 minutes, after 4 hours
and prior to completion of the 10-hour operation test.
Inability of each
compressor unit to produce no less than 20 cfm at 5000 psi, while meeting air
purity requirements or any malfunction, leakage or rough or irregular operation
shall constitute failure of this test.
The compressor shall be subjected to the Pendulum-impact test.
pendulum-impact test in accordance with test method No. 5012 of FED-STD-101,
except the veritcal height of drop shall be 18 inches, and compressor will be
unboxed and securely mounted to a platform which will extend beyond the frame or
any member of the compressor on all four sides and designed to receive the full
impact of the abutment.
4.6 Inspection of packaging. The preservation, packing, and marking shall be
examined and tested in accordance with the quality assurance provisions of
MIL-C-3600 and with the special requirement of section 5 herein.
Preservation, packing and marking
5.1 Preservation, packing and marking.
shall be in accordance with MIL-C-3600 with the exception that interior surfaces
of air receivers which will contain air used for breathing or respiratory
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