| MIL-C-53057(ME)
TEST METHOD NO. 26 (Cont'd)
container. Rotate 90 degrees cw, engage and lift the
container. Rotate 180 degrees cw to position B
(maintaining a constant radius), lower and disengage the
container. Rotate 90 degrees cw to position A.
Repeat steps c and d 319 times.
Steps c and d constitute a cycle. Record the time required
to complete each cycle as well as a total time to complete
all 320 cycles.
Repeat steps a through f using the two 40 foot containers
and the appropriate sling and spreader bar. Note: The
lighter container is at the 27 foot radius and the heavier
container is at the 22 foot radius.
Repeat steps c and d using 15,000 pound loads (with the
appropriate sling) and the auxiliary winch system. On course
2 (i.e., loads at an operating radius of 35 feet) for 120
cycles. Record time required for each cycle as well as total
time to complete all 120 cycles.
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