| ![]() MIL-C-60813(AR)
a. Observation at weapon position. - The observer at this point shall
observe for any abnormal behavior as an informational check only. Record
shall be made of erratic flight, muzzle flash of obviously greater intensity
than that produced by other bullets in the sample or such other behavior as
may be considered abnormal by the observer.
b. Observation at 100 yard position.- The observer, with line of
sight established perpendicular to the trajectory by the light or visible
marker, shall note the trace performance of the bullet from each sample car-
tridge. tridge. A trace which is visible prior to 100 yards range shall be con-
sidered acceptable. The cartridge shall be considered defective when the
bullet exhibits no trace.
c. Observation at the 1500 yard position.- The observer, with line
of sight established perpendicular to the trajectory by the light or visible
marker, shall note the trace performance of the bullet from each sample cart-
ridge. A visible trace extending to 1500 yards range or beyond shall be con-
sidered acceptable. The cartridge shall be considered defective if the bullet
exhibits no trace.
4.4.7 Impact sensititity.- The test shall be conducted in accordance with
the methods and procedures of the accuracy test in TECP 700-700, Vol. III
using the equipment listed for the impact sensitivity test in IEL-X1054245.
4.4.8 Velocity.- The test shall be conducted in accordance with TECP
700-700, Vol. III.
4.4.9 Chamber pressure.- The test shall be conducted in accordance with
TECP 700-700, Vol. III.
4.4.10 Function and casualty.- The test shall be conducted in accordance
with TECP 700-700, Vol. III. Two rifles shall be used and 100 cartridges
shall be fired in each. shall be fired in The test shall. be conducted on a range which is a
minimum of 100 yards in length.
4.4.11 Airtightness of base closure seal.- The bullets shall be placed
base up under approximately 1.5 inch head of freshly boiled water in a vacuum
jar test unit. The desiccator or jar shall be evacuated to a pressure of 2
pounds per square inch (4 inches of mercury) below atmospheric pressure and
held at that pressure for not less than 5 seconds. The number of bubbles
liberated from each bullet shall be observed.
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