| ![]() MIL-C-62135 A(AT) Repair of Defects. Defects found as a result of above inspection shall be corrected by the
contractor at no cost to the Government. Failure of the contractor to promptly correct defects shall be
cause for suspension of acceptance of cranes until corrective action has been accomplished.
4.2.3 Crane Disposition. Upon completion of inspection and acceptance of the first production crane,
the crane shall remain at the manufacturing facility as a production sample. The contractor shall service
and maintain the crane during this period while in storage. At the discretion of the contracting officer the
crane may be released for shipment.
4.2.4 Final Approval and Acceptance. Final approval and acceptance by the Government of the first
production crane shall be withheld until the initial production test has been completed and final
determination has been made regarding conformity of the crane to contractual requirements, including but
not limited to, workmanship and materials.
4.3 Initial Production Test. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the crane(s) shall be selected by the
Government from the first months production and shall be installed on an M520 Cargo vehicle. Cranes
shall be subjected to examinations and tests listed in Tables I and II. Test will include 200 miles of paved
road, 400 miles of secondary roads and 400 miles of cross country operation (1000 miles of roadtesting) at
a Government approved test site. A total of 125 crane missions shall be performed in the following
25 Crane missions using paved road
50 Crane missions using secondary road
20 Crane missions using level cross country
5 Crane missions using level cross country mud
25 Crane missions using hilly cross country
The contractor shall support the test by providing any crane parts necessary for completion of such tests.
Delay in test completion caused by crane breakdown or failure of the contractor to adequately support the
crane with parts during the tests shall not be the basts for adjustment of contract delivery schedule or
contract price.
4.3.1 Reliability Verification. To determine conformance to the reliability specified in para. 3.1.1a
Minimum Acceptable Value (MAV) of 35 MCBMF will be demonstrated during test, with a confidence
level at or above 50 percent.
4.3.2 Durability Verification. To determine conformance to paragraph 3.1.2, a loading and unloading
cycle consisting of sequences of six 2,500 pound loads shall be performed in accordance with instructions
shown on Drawing 11651269, Plate Instructions. Complete four load and unload cycles of the six
2,500 pound loads utilizing a minimum of 45 minutes for each cycle to prevent overheating of the motors.
After each four load and unload cycles of the six 2,500 pound loads, the motors shall be allowed to cool
down to a temperature safely touchable by hand (approximately 45 minutes cool down time). To verify
paragraph 3.1.2., at least 50% of the test sample must meet the requirements. This verification will be
demonstrated during test using a minimum of 125 cycles.
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